Table d'échange et de mobilisation sur le transport ferroviaire en Gaspésie (Discussion and mobilization table on rail transport in the Gaspé region)

April 2023

Over the course of 2022, many civil society players and citizen groups have voiced their concerns and worries about the rehabilitation of the Gaspé rail system and the return of the freight and passenger train to Gaspé. Over the past few months, Solidarité Gaspésie, the Comité de citoyens pour le développement, the Coalition des gaspésiens pour le retour du train and the Chambre de commerce de La Côte-de-Gaspé have been working with prefects, members of the Regroupement des MRC de la Gaspésie, to set up an exchange and consultation table. Today, we are pleased to announce the creation of the Table d'échange et de mobilisation sur le transport ferroviaire.

The Table met on January 20 and April 13, 2023 in New Richmond. Its objectives are as follows:

The Table's stakeholders have agreed to focus on two priority issues:

The Table is made up of representatives of citizen groups and representatives of the Regroupement des MRC de la Gaspésie. Other stakeholders may be invited to participate in the Table, depending on the topics under discussion.

Carol Saucier, Table spokesperson.

Spokesperson: Carol Saucier,
, 418 391-2516