DAILY RESILIENCE (circle of mutual aid and listening around an outdoor fire)

February 2022

One-hour training session in the context of a circle of support and listening around a friendly outdoor fire.
Exclusive to 2022 members, reserved for 15 entrepreneur/entrepreneur/employer participants. Approved by Public Health thanks to a partnership with Horizon (Essential Services).

For 2022, our dearest wish is to innovate in order to enable as many "real", face-to-face meetings as possible. In this context, and after observing signs of fatigue, anxiety and stress on the part of certain employers, the Gaspé Chamber of Commerce and Tourism (CCTG) is taking concrete action to equip an initial group of members in a respectful and , of course, fun way (pilot project).

Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Mont Béchervaise ski center outdoor foyer - chairs on site
Brise pea soup and hot beverages will be served
Cost: $40 before taxes
Exclusive to 2022 members, reserved for 15 entrepreneur/entrepreneur/employer participants.


As places are limited, your commitment is very important.
A confidentiality and discretion form must be signed when you register
Possibility of moving the activity indoors in case of very cold weather.

RESILIENCE IN DAILY LIFE FOR EMPLOYERS will take place in an innovative format, in a peer-helper group to facilitate teaching and sharing. The activity will take place outdoors around a symbolic fire. Two qualified occupational therapists will lead the one-hour training session to help achieve the workshop's specific objectives.

This first circle will be a pilot project.
If the demand is there, we can activate other self-help and listening circles of this type in the region.

An initiative of the Gaspé Chamber of Commerce and Tourism (soon to be Côte-de-Gaspé) in collaboration with :


The training is offered byHorizon, a Gaspé-basedcompany whose mission is to promote mental health through outdoor health services. Services are provided by occupational therapists (master's level), health professionals whose areas of expertise include daily functioning and disability prevention, with particular emphasis on life balance, work-family balance, adaptation to stressors and organization.

The aim of our corporate services is to support individual workers in preserving their own mental health and that of the group as a whole, a health associated with the company's own performance. These services are offered to companies that have the well-being of their teams at heart, and wish to work towards creating a healthy work environment. Indeed, according to the Association Québécoise des Ergothérapeutes du Québec, "There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating that absenteeism, productivity and motivation are closely linked to employee health".


Wear warm, insulating clothing!
As the activity takes place outdoors and in a seated position for 1 h, you'll need to dress appropriately to protect yourself from the cold and wind.
*In addition to the fire, we'll also have 3 patio heaters.

For your feet, one or two pairs of warm socks and well-insulated boots are highly recommended (hunting boots with insulating felts or other warm ski-doo type boots).

If you're not sure what to wear, bring extra clothes in your car so you can access them if you get cold or too hot!

At all times, if the cold is too intense, we have access to the inside of the ski center.