Call for director nominations

March 2023

Call for director nominations

The Chamber has two (2) categories of members: regular members and out-of-territory members.
The Chamber's Board of Directors includes at least 11 directors, nine (9) of whom are elected from among the regular members (who have their place of business on the territory of La Côte-de-Gaspé: Murdochville, Gaspé, Cloridorme, Grande-Vallée or Petite-Vallée).
Two (2) other positions are co-opted, depending on the Chamber's needs, and are appointed by the Board members.

The Côte-de-Gaspé Chamber of Commerce (CCCG) is currently calling for nominations for positions on its Board of Directors.

The Chamber will hold its Annual General Meeting on
. A separate, formal notice will be sent to members.

To submit your application, you must comply with the following conditions:

This year, 5 positions are up for renewal.

Nominations - Dates to watch

For questions: Marie-Claude Brière,

Each Regular Member wishing to exercise his or her right to vote shall designate on the ballot paper the candidates of his or her choice corresponding to the number of positions at stake, by placing a mark in the space reserved for this purpose opposite the name of each chosen candidate:

After the close of the ballot, the committee meets to count the votes. Within five (5) days of the vote being counted, the committee draws up the minutes of the election and reports to the Board. Within fifteen (15) days of their election being declared, the new directors and the other directors meet at the call of the Chairman and elect their executive officers. In the event of a tie, the electoral committee elects one of the candidates by drawing lots. Taking office30 Directors officially take office at the Annual General Meeting.