March 8 Fleurir conference

February 2023

Fleurir conference

As women entrepreneurs, we are accustomed to wearing many hats.

hats: mom's, businesswoman's, wife's, friend's, wife's, friend's...

the director, etc. Caught up in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day activities, we tend to forget

that underneath all those hats is a woman, a human being, who has

fundamental needs to be met. Among them, the need to exist fully,

to be and to flourish, not only in what it does and achieves, but also in what it does and achieves.

in what it deeply is.

This conference is intended as a moment to take care of this human under

its many hats, giving it the right to BE before DOING, giving it back its

creative power of a life aligned and in its own image, giving it the possibility of

and let it shine and blossom. Because

that it's by allowing this unique essence to express itself fully that we carry

that we can all contribute to creating a beautiful garden!

Through the metaphor of the flower, I will share different life experiences and

powerful and meaningful tools to help women entrepreneurs to

nourish and solidify their soil and roots so that they can blossom fully

and offer their great strengths and many resources for the good of all.

Delivered with both humour and depth, this interactive and colourful lecture

the full range of emotions, make you think and never let go.

will certainly not leave you indifferent!

I can't wait to bloom with you!

Who am I?

I'm Annie Beaulieu, wife, mom, entrepreneur,

yoga teacher, art therapy practitioner, trainer

and speaker. I help women to

develop their inner strength, so that they can assume

their unique personality and dare to show it.

and spread it around the world.

An artist at heart and a lifelong communicator, I've always

I'm throwing all my colors into this conference

to make you laugh, cry, think, but also to help you

lead you to discover your full potential.

potential and let it shine.